Y3/4 Curriculum Recall
y for /i/
suffixes beginning with a vowel
/u/ spelt ou
prefixes: un-, dis-, mis-, in-
il- before l
im- before m or p
French origins

Y5/6 Curriculum Recall
silent letters

1. disobey
2. uncover
3. beginner
4. crystal
5. illegal
6. misfortune
7. inability
8. vague
9. quarter
10. century
11. immature
12. courage
13. vicious
14. solemn
15. essential
16. observant
17. visible
18. accidentally
19. convenience
20. environment

Arts Week

The theme for Arts Week is recycling. Year 2 are going to be making bottle animals. Please could you bring in 5 clean, small items from your recycling which you can stick onto your animal bottle. (We will provide the bottle) Bottle tops would work well for eyes, buttons for noses, ribbons from gift wrapping for hair… the possibilities are endless!

We would also love newspaper for crafting if you have any spare please.

Thank you

Mrs Stewart and Miss Green

Noah’s Ark


To begin our new theme of animals, we read the story of Noah’s Ark, made animal puppets (in 2s of course!) and acted out the story.