Home Learning in Year 2

Home Learning in Year Two

Thank you in advance for your support with home learning across the year. The partnership between home and school is vital and any learning that can be reinforced will benefit your child.


Please hear your child read daily and record in their reading diary. It is also very important to read stories to your child.

We will be following the same reading book routine as the children are used to from Year 1. Each Monday children will be given a Read Write Inc (RWI) book, linked to their individual assessment level. They will also choose a ‘Share with Me’ book from the class library. Both books need to be brought back to school daily along with their reading record. These books are collected in on Friday. New books will be sent home on Monday.


These will be added to EdShed on a Friday. Children are expected to practise these at least three times a week.


In year two, children must learn 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please practise these throughout the year so that the children become fluent and can recall these facts. Half termly maths activities will also be added to EdShed.

Spelling Shed

Thank you all for continuing to use EdShed to practise spellings each week. There is now an exciting new section on SPAG. Please begin by exploring stage one. There are some great activities linked to the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar objectives that the children need to know in year 2.

Log in details are in home learning diaries.

Home Learning in Year Two

Thank you in advance for your support with home learning across the year. The partnership between home and school is vital and any learning that can be reinforced will benefit your child.


Please hear your child read daily and record in their reading diary. It is also very important to read stories to your child.



These will be added to EdShed on a Friday and can also be found in the year two homework section on the website. Children are expected to practise these at least three times a week.



In year two, children must learn 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please practise these throughout the year so that the children become fluent and can recall these facts. Half termly maths activities will also be added to EdShed.



There will also be a quiz linked to our science, history or geography units which the children can revisit to reinforce their knowledge.

Talk Homework


Our theme is: Materials Matter/The Great Fires

We are learning about the properties of materials. At home, TALK about different materials and their properties such as whether they are: Waterproof ? Absorbent? Bendy? Hard? Stretchy? Transparent?

Talk homework to be completed by Monday 18th January