Talk Homework


Our themes are: Travel and Transport/Animals


We are learning about The Titanic. Try to find out some facts about the famous event,


Talk homework to be completed by Monday 16th November

Talk Homework


Our themes are: Travel and Transport/Animals

Our 6R this half term is Respect. Talk about ways you can show respect at both home and school.

Why is respect important?


Talk homework to be completed by Monday 9th November

Maths Task

We are learning to count accurately in 5s at a quick pace. Please continue to work on this at home. Here are some other activities you may also like to discuss, linked to counting in 5s.

Read Write Inc


Read Write Inc

We have now finished learning all set 3 sounds.

Learning Set 3 Speed Sounds

These are the Set 3 Speed Sounds:

ea    oi    a-e    i-e    o-e    u-e    aw   are(care and share)   ur    er     ow(brown cow) ai     oa     ew     ire     ear    ure     tion    tious/cious


Check if your child can read these sounds.

Look out for these sounds in books.

Try to spell words containing these sounds.

Talk Homework

Time to reflect

We have come to the end of our first half term in year two. Think about what you have learned so far and what you would like to work on next half term. Set your own goals. Have a super half term. You deserve it!

Talk homework to be completed by Monday 2nd November


We have started to learn plural rules for s/es. Walk around your home, find nouns and think about whether you would need to add s or es to make them plural when spelling.




From year 2 onwards the children will write in a cursive style handwriting. We are learning this at school. Please could you pick 3 letters a week to continue practising. Remember to start lower-case letters on the line.

Talk Homework

Our themes are: Travel and Transport/Animals

We are learning about The First Flight. At home, TALK about different ways of flying. For example: birds fly or you may fly a kite.


Talk homework to be completed by Monday 19th October