
3B have demonstrated their brilliant Maths skills today. They have shown addition and subtraction using number lines. Represented 3-digit numbers using Base10 and place value grids. The class have really enjoyed playing place value basket ball on the IPADS and have loved singing their times table songs with the Super Movers. Well done.


Our School Learning Question

Each week we will focus on a learning question around school and within classrooms. This will help to teach children how to articulate their learning. It would be helpful if you could also use the question at home too.

The question for this week is:

How have you helped someone else to learn?

Year 3 spellings WB Monday 27th September

In our spelling lessons this week we will be focusing on words with endings that sound like /ze/, as in measure, that are always spelled with  ‘-sure’.

Some of the children have this pattern set on Spelling Shed, however, some children also have different sets of words to practise.  Please log into your Edshed account to see which spellings we have set for you.  🙂

Home learning WB 27.9.21

Daily Reading   📚

Aim to read every night to someone at home and get your diary signed. Make sure you understand what you are reading, ready for your online quiz at school when you finish the book! Make sure you really know what happened and talk about the book.

Parents and carers, please ask the children questions about what they have read and encourage them to find the evidence in the text rather than guess or use their general knowledge.


See the spelling section of the school website.


This week we are learning how inverted commas are used in text to show that someone is speaking.  Can you find them in your books?

Speech Marks | How to Show Speech in Writing

Maths   🔢

This week we have set a game on Maths Shed to help you practise number bonds to 20  (+ and -)