⚽🏀🎾🏊‍♀️ PE days for the Autumn term ⚽🏀🎾🏊‍♀️

Please check the table below for your child’s PE days for the first half term of the new year. They will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. If you are unsure of our PE uniform, please follow this link to check it out https://stpetersschoolwem.org.uk/home/joining/uniform/ 

🌟🕯 Shining Lights 🕯🌟

WE’VE MADE IT! The last day has finally arrived and as a huge well done to every child at St Peter’s, all children have been chosen as Shining Lights this week. All of the grown ups are soooo proud of you!

But two boys have also got special recognition today for overcoming a fear and stepping up for someone else.

Finley (3N) performed in yesterday’s music performance, in front of the whole school, and this required a huge amount of courage and determination as it was out of his comfort zone but HE DID IT!! His classmates were so proud of him, they made him an extra shiny shining light.

George (6C), not only completed his role in the Y6 play this week, he also stepped up and took on a extra role at the last moment to fill for someone who wasn’t there – another wonderful example of teamwork, courage and determination.





Mental Health support for parents

Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need. Secondly, we provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Shrewsbury, a service that could be life-saving for some. Lastly, we offer a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.


🌟🕯 Shining Lights 🕯🌟

Another busy week with Move Up Days and Sports Days. Congratulations to all of our Shining Lights this week, once again it was very hard to choose as there were so many fine examples of our school values being shown around school. Well done!

Nursery – TBA
RL – Amber
RM – Immy
1R – Stan
1B – Robyn
2MB – Matthew
2B – Sophie
3N – Bonnie
3G – Ted
4K – Archie I
4L – Bradley
5G – Oskar C
6H – George B
6C – TBA

Year 3 Spellings WB 1.7.24 to 15.7.24

We will now be focusing on learning / revising the National Curriculum word list for Years 3-4 which can be found in the centre of your Reading Record.

Choose 10 words frorm this list to learn each week.

Use a variety of strategies to help.  EG:

🌈 Rainbow words – write your word then draw around each letter several times, choosing a different colour each time.

✍🏽 Pyramid words – write each of your words like a pyramid.


s     o

s     o      m

s       o        m     e

🤩 Fancy letters – write each letter in your word in a different fancy letter and maybe a different colour.

💡 I’m sure you have lots more ideas!