Mrs Lack, Mrs Morris and Mrs Jones welcome you to Reception. Please contact us on if you have any concerns.


RL – Mon & Thurs

RM – Thurs & Fri

A helpful sheet to show you who to go to in school with any queries

Who to go to St Peter’s CE Primary School and Nursery

School Year 2023-24 Calendar of Events

Links to Online Resources

The 6 apps – published on the Hungry Little Minds website– are part of the government’s drive to help parents make informed decisions about the use of technology in creating positive learning environments at home.

The 6 apps published on the Hungry Little Minds website include:
Lingumi (For children aged 2-5)– Sets of learning games, speech recognition games and video-based games to help with a child’s grammar and getting them speaking their first words early on.
Kaligo (For children aged 3-5)-The first digital handwriting exercise book using a stylus and tablet, built using AI and co-created with teachers, occupational therapists and neuroscientists.
Phonics Hero (For school-aged children)– Over 850 fun, varied and motivating games take a child step-by-step through the 44 sounds, the reading and spelling of words, and how to conquer sentences.
Teach Your Monster to Read (For school-aged children)– Covers the first two years of learning to read, from matching letters and sounds to enjoying little books, designed in collaboration with leading academics.
Navigo Game (For school-aged children)– Focuses on developing skills that underpin reading, including phonics, letters and sounds, designed by UCL Institute of Education and Fish in a Bottle.
Fonetti (For school-aged children)– The world’s first ‘Listening Bookshop’ interacting with children by giving visual cues in real-time as they read aloud and highlighting where the most support is needed.